Monday, July 27, 2009
Bill Maher: Possibly the vilest human being on the planet.
My wife and I were channel surfing the other day and we did something that we swore we would never do (again); we stopped surfing long enough to see what socialist provocateur Bill Maher was talking about. As usual, he was emitting the same kind of inflammatory propaganda that was popular in Germany circa 1939. I am not saying that Maher is an anti-Semite; I am saying that he is a foul, loathsome, offensive, and deceitful socialist.
Maher’s HBO show is a delusory diatribe that feeds the moral and intellectual worthlessness of his fellow socialists who watch it. What aroused the ire of my wife and I was his incendiary attack on the insurance industry, portraying it as a greedy institution, accumulating wealth on the backs of the suffering and the miserable. Illustrating the absurd hypocrisy of the extreme liberal, he expressed a yearning for the return of once abundant Catholic hospitals that treated the poor and the needy; Catholic hospitals that were a part of a once great institution that Maher’s style of vicious liberalism helped destroy decades ago. Indeed, wasn’t it Maher ridiculing all religions, especially Catholicism in his flop of a hateful movie, Religulous?
True to his deceptive nature, Maher offered up a false chestnut of a statistic to prove that healthcare in the U.S. needs to be socialized: "When it comes to life expectancy, the United States is ranked 50th!"
The underlying suggestion is that the U.S. healthcare system is inferior to other nations such as Canada, which is socialized. Why is the life expectancy lower? Because of infant mortality rates. And the infant mortality rates are higher in the U.S., not because we have more babies dying, but because of how most other nations calculate that particular statistic. In some countries, a severely premature infant is labeled a fetal death instead of an infant death. Not in the U.S. In many nations, if a child dies within 24 hours of birth, it is labeled a stillbirth. Not here. Social and cultural factors - including maternal drinking, drug use, and age - are key to infant mortality and have little to do with access to or quality of health care. In America, infant mortality rates are sky high (five times the national average) on Indian reservations (which have publicly financed health care by the way through the Indian Health Service) and quite low in places like Utah and Washington.
Furthermore, there are other international comparisons that are more useful. Consider five-year survival rates after a cancer diagnosis. Unlike infant mortality, which is confounded by definitional and cultural factors, cancer survival rates are a pretty good measure of the quality of a health system. These numbers aren't perfect either. They are affected by factors like the uninsured in America (25 percent of whom are illegal immigrants) who tend not to get early screening for cancer and have more advanced cases at the time of diagnosis. The data that follow are accordingly all the stronger.
The journal Lancet Oncology has reported that American cancer patients live longer than those anywhere else on the globe. Betsy McCaughey, former Lieutenant Governor of New York and a health statistics numbers cruncher, interprets the Lancet's (and other) findings as follows:
American women have a 63 percent chance of living at least five years after a cancer diagnosis, compared with 56 percent of women in Europe. For American men, the numbers are even more dramatic. Sixty-six percent of American men live five years past a diagnosis of cancer, but only 47 percent of European men do. Of cancers that affect only women, the survival rate for uterine cancer is 5 percentage points higher in the U.S. than the European average, and 14 percent higher for breast cancer. Among cancers that affect only or primarily men, survival rates for prostate cancer are 28 percent higher in the U.S., and for bladder cancer, 15 percent higher.
The British Health Service keeps costs down by rationing care through long waiting lists for service. The Manhattan Institute's Dr. David Gratzer reports that an estimated 20 percent of British lung cancer patients considered curable when they were first placed on the waiting list for chemotherapy or radiation were incurable by the time they obtained treatment.
An argument often advanced by single payer advocates is that nationalized health care leads to more preventative care. But an analysis by the Commonwealth Fund found that American women are more likely than those in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand to get regular Pap tests and mammograms. In Great Britain, men do not start getting screened for colon cancer until age 75. In the U.S. men are urged to get their first colonoscopy at 50.
As usual, Maher (like every single liberal I know) won’t let the facts get in his way. He banties about words like "reform" to describe changes that are more properly called "destruction." My wife and I are going back to surfing past Maher’s show, not because we’re close-minded, but because we’re going to insure ourselves against the intellectual euthanasia he’s pushing.
Friday, July 24, 2009
The Devil is in the Details
When it comes to legislation coming out of Washington, discerning citizens of the United States (i.e. conservatives) are hungry for details. Despite the fiery rhetoric and the fabricated urgency of the Democrats - especially that of President Barack Obama - to pass legislation before even reading it (as was the case with the failed stimulus), word is filtering down to the masses that socializing medical care will have the opposite affect than that being promised by “the One.”
It isn’t conjecture on the part of Conservatives that government-run healthcare will be a disaster – the proof of that fact can be witnessed in every nation and state where it has been foisted on the people. People come to this country for medical treatment; they do not go to Canada or Great Britain.
Watching the healthcare debate is like watching a tennis match: ridiculous and impossible promises are served up by the liberals and the conservatives are volleying forcefully, the power of fact behind every sure swing. The score is currently Love – 40, but it isn’t over yet.
For the right side to win, people need to know the details! Hopefully it isn’t going to be good enough for the democrats to put a little “race card” or “poor card” spin on the ball like they usually do, (as was seen even from the President himself the other day, fielding a question about the Louis Gates fiasco when supposedly talking about his government run healthcare plan). There are actually liberally-oriented spectators in the stands this game. They include the unemployed, still waiting for their promised stimulus. They are the Hollywood types who are starting to realize that they will be taxed into relative (to their current status) poverty. They are accountants and economists who can’t reconcile Obama’s uncontrolled spending to any sort of fiscal responsibility unless they use the kind of funny math that Tim Geithner and Tom Daschle use to calculate their own personal tax debt. Now if we can just get the run-of-the-mill liberal out there to look at the facts instead of the buying into the liberal propaganda spoon fed to them by the loonies at Huffington Post and MSNBC, we might actually be able to use this attempted socialist take-over to our advantage.
Monday, July 20, 2009
"Dirty Harry" Alford
“I know what you’re thinking: did he fire six shots or only five?” Well, to tell you the truth, he pulled the rug right out from under Senator Barbara Boxer’s two leftist feet.
“Dirty Harry” Alford (as far as I know, I am the first to give him the moniker and I really hope it sticks), the CEO of the National Black Chamber of Commerce, eviscerated Senator Boxer during hearings for the so-called “cap and trade” bill, during which Boxer tried to give Alford a little black-for-black tit-for-tat. Oh, the arrogance of those liberals!
(See for yourself at
Of course, everything “Dirty Harry” Alford said was spot on. But another reason I want to make Alford my hero (move over Joe the Plumber!) is his recent comments on the Bill O’Reilly show. In response to O’Reilly’s comment that, “Senator Boxer would say she loves black people and would always vote to help them,” Alford responded, “She loves poor black folks, and she loves black folks in their place.”
(This is a must see:
Bingo! Not only is that a ringing indictment of Barbara Boxer, but the entire leftist establishment, which condescends to keep minorities dependent on government handouts. This is exactly the kind of backlash I wrote about earlier, and I think it’s going to really start catching on, and it would make my day to walk alongside “Dirty Harry” Alford.
Friday, July 17, 2009
"Crisis" Word Drinking Game!
I for one am getting really tired of all the doom and gloom. I remember part of the Democrat strategy during the '08 campaign was to portray Republicans as "Doom and Gloomers." To me it looks like Chicken Little is leading the Democrat party. According to Salena Zito at The post Chronicle (, had we "played a 'crisis' word-drinking game,"(during any of Obama's speaches) we "would have temporarily lost all brain function by the end of them."
So why is it that every program the Democrats want to ram through Congress is designed to confront (yet) another looming catastrophe? According to Rahm Emanuel, Obama's chief of staff (Nov. 9th 2008): "Rule one: Never allow a crisis to go to waste." The Democrats have been faithful to "rule one" ever since, spinning every agenda item in the Socialist's Handbook into a crisis in order to convince people to expand government control (relinquishing their freedoms in the process), and giving up more of their money (or rather, other people's money) in the form of higher taxes. In February of '09 Barack Obama said that failure to act immediately on his economic aid plan:
"will turn crisis into a catastrophe and guarantee a longer recession. Millions more jobs will be lost. More businesses will be shuttered. More dreams will be deferred."
In reality, failure to act immediately meant that the pork-laden bill was never completely read by a single Senator or Congressman before it was passed without support from one House Republican. And to date, there has been a net loss of millions more jobs (unemployment nearing 10%).
Obama stated many times in the first few months of his administration that a government takeover of General Motors was the only way to save the country from another financial crisis. "GM can't be allowed to go into bankruptcy," he said. Yet come June, once GM was owned by the government and the UAW, having defrauded stock holders out of millions in the process, Obama was urging bankruptcy onto the very same company. Was the crisis averted, or created?
Al Gore said on July 7th 2009 that public awareness about the "catastrophe" of climate change is not high enough to pressure politicians into taking action. "We can berate politicians for not doing enough and for compromising too much and for not being bold in addressing this existential threat to civilization." Even Great Britain's Prince Charles stated last week that the earth had only 96 months (that's 8 years to you liberals) to survive if we (meaning tax payers of course) didn't do something to stem the tide of "Global Warming." [insert the words "the Angry Gods."] Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) chairwoman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee has intimated the same fears about the demise of the world as she continues to push for a cap and trade bill, despite the testemony of 650 scientists who challenge the claim that "global warming" [insert "the angry gods"] is man-made. Meanwhile, temperatures around the globe continue to drop to record lows.
Healthcare is the latest crisis, not the trillion dollar deficit and shrinking economy caused by these spending programs. (Yes, Bush had it wrong on this one too). And according to Vice President Joe Biden, if we don't spend trillions more on a national healthcare system the nation is going to go bankrupt. It's hard not to laugh about this, but it's true! Speaking to an AARP gathering (scaring old people silly no doubt) on July 16th '09 in Alexandria Virginia, Biden said:
"And folks look, AARP knows and the people working here today know, the president knows, and I know, that the status quo is simply not acceptable, It's totally unacceptable. And it's completely unsustainable. Even if we wanted to keep it the way we have it. It can't do it financially." And "We're going to go bankrupt as a nation."
Come again? How are we going to spend our way out of the red and into the black? In what strange universe is that even possible? Isn't it all the spending that's actually bankrupting us? Maybe I need one of the "52 per centers" to explain it to me, because the Donkeys in Chicken Little clothing running the socialist... I mean Democrat party sure don't make any sense. I may have to resort to playing the "crisis" word drinking game just to help get me through these difficult times.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Government Healthscare
Abby Goodnough, writing for the New York Times covers the plight of the Boston Medical Center, which finds itself on the losing side of “Universal Healthcare,” and is thus suing the state of Massachusetts to recover the millions of dollars it has been forced by the state to give up.
I am not writing in defense of the hospital – in my opinion they deserve exactly what they’re getting because they supported the state’s socialist coverage plan. You reap what you sow! It's not like there weren't thousands of people out there telling them that socialized medicine has not worked as promised anywhere it has ever been tried! And who is going to suffer as a result? Eventually all of the poor and uninsured will; all those that the state was supposedly going to help, because at this rate Boston Medical Center won’t be able to operate. The staff will be the first to flee, quality of care will suffer as a result, and then all but the poor will go elsewhere, maybe to hospitals in neighboring states. After various cuts the Center will eventually close, and the necrotic tendrils of the government plan will squeeze other hospitals out of existence too.
And this is the plan the Democrats in Congress (and in the Oval Office) want to imitate on a national level? I’ll tell you who is going to be really upset, the Canadians! They can’t be too happy about this at all. Where are they going to get health care once we adopt their system (and that of Massachusetts)?
Thursday, July 9, 2009
The Gods Must Be Crazy
A shameful article this week from Joseph Miti in The Monitor ( begins: “The Karimojong blame the spell of calamities like drought and disease to the ‘angry gods’. Little do they know that their area is suffering the consequences of a larger problem, climate change.”
It might just as well have been stated: “The Karimojong blame the spell of calamities like drought and disease on 'climate change'. Little do they know that their area is suffering the consequences of a larger problem, the angry gods.”
Environmental “scientists” use the term “climate change” now, because they can no longer use the term, “Global Warming.” Why? Because empirical scientific data shows that the earth is now cooling in harmony with our sun’s reduced solar activity, indicating that man has nothing more to do with global warming than all of the angry gods of Environmentalism combined. Not only have temperatures dropped to 1930 levels, but in 2007 it snowed in Baghdad for the first time in centuries. According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center at the University of Colorado, satellite measurements from January 2009 show an increase in arctic ice of over 200, 000 square miles over satellite data gathered in January, 1980. Antarctic sea ice in the austral winter was the greatest on record since James Cook discovered the place in 1770.
Only in a crazy religion like Environmentalism could “cold” mean “hot” and “hot” mean “cold.” Miti is obviously just another Kool-Aid drinker following in the footsteps of the Apostle of Environmentalism, Al Gore, whose proselytizing has parted many a fool from his money. I wonder how many enviro-acolytes we could bring back from the brink if we substituted the words, "angry gods" for "climate change"?
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The Backlash is Looming
Get ready for the backlash. People are beginning to wake up and smell the …ahem … coffee.
A portion of the 52% crowd – those who voted for Obama in ’08 – is finally realizing that Obama’s machinations, (and those of the rest of the fringe left) aren’t bearing the promised utopian fruit for which they had the audacity to hope. Some of them may actually begin to connect the dots to see that the current administration’s socialist agenda is directly responsible for the worsening fiscal crisis we face. The Obama administration is making, in my opinion, a series of mistakes. I’m not just talking about the giant mistakes like seizing control of banks, mortgage companies, General Motors and of socializing medicine. I’m talking about the strategic political blunders they’ve made since winning the election, the first of which is that they haven’t stopped campaigning. We’re almost as tired of Obama’s televised addresses as we are of the Michael Jackson news coverage.
Secondly, his administration demeaned itself by attacking conservatives such as Rush Limbaugh and incessantly pointing the finger of blame at the “previous administration.” A poignant reminder: the “previous administration” defeated the recession it inherited from the Clinton White House by cutting taxes.
To make matters worse for the Democrats, everything they have worked hard to do illustrates perfectly well that they are every bit the socialists that conservatives have said they are. The largest spending bill in history (so far!) was voted on by both houses of (Democrat controlled) Congress without having been read. The public aren’t happy about how the money is being wastefully spent, especially since the economy is getting worse, not better. And with Goliath-sized deficits, no one is being fooled any longer by the press’s attempts to convince us that an economic upturn is just around the corner.
Despite the campaign rhetoric of its beguiling leader, this administration is far less transparent than any administration of recent memory.
On foreign policy it appears that Obama hasn’t met a socialist or tyrant he didn’t like yet. Israel is no longer the ally of choice in the Middle East it seems. Just as we are giving billions of stimulus dollars to corrupt domestic groups like ACORN, we’re also giving billions in aid to organizations who are nothing but front men for Hamas. And does Obama even realize that he’s walking around with Iranian egg on his face following the sham election of June 12? The bromides and promises of respect looked silly and uninformed as the regime's goons sped through Iran's streets on motorcycles beating demonstrators with batons. And just like socialist-dictator-to-be Hugo Chavez, Honduran president (and fellow socialist) Manuel Zelaya tried to illegally remove the term limits imposed by the Honduran constitution, for which Hondurans faithful to their constitution rose up and expelled him. True to his socialist nature, Obama is supporting Zelaya instead of the Honduran people and their constitution. At least the Democrat party had the common decency to introduce legislation to repeal our 22nd amendment, instead of just letting Barack redact it from our Constitution.
Obama’s excuses are starting to wear as thin as the color of his skin, and those who voted for him simply because he’s African American are going to be some of his biggest detractors come 2012. It is sad and unfortunate there are still people who judge others because of skin color, but the fact remains that everyone likes the color of money. As the government starts confiscating more of everyone’s money through new taxes, a lot of his 2008 supporters won’t even bother to make it to the voting booths in 2010 and 2012.
A portion of the 52% crowd – those who voted for Obama in ’08 – is finally realizing that Obama’s machinations, (and those of the rest of the fringe left) aren’t bearing the promised utopian fruit for which they had the audacity to hope. Some of them may actually begin to connect the dots to see that the current administration’s socialist agenda is directly responsible for the worsening fiscal crisis we face. The Obama administration is making, in my opinion, a series of mistakes. I’m not just talking about the giant mistakes like seizing control of banks, mortgage companies, General Motors and of socializing medicine. I’m talking about the strategic political blunders they’ve made since winning the election, the first of which is that they haven’t stopped campaigning. We’re almost as tired of Obama’s televised addresses as we are of the Michael Jackson news coverage.
Secondly, his administration demeaned itself by attacking conservatives such as Rush Limbaugh and incessantly pointing the finger of blame at the “previous administration.” A poignant reminder: the “previous administration” defeated the recession it inherited from the Clinton White House by cutting taxes.
To make matters worse for the Democrats, everything they have worked hard to do illustrates perfectly well that they are every bit the socialists that conservatives have said they are. The largest spending bill in history (so far!) was voted on by both houses of (Democrat controlled) Congress without having been read. The public aren’t happy about how the money is being wastefully spent, especially since the economy is getting worse, not better. And with Goliath-sized deficits, no one is being fooled any longer by the press’s attempts to convince us that an economic upturn is just around the corner.
Despite the campaign rhetoric of its beguiling leader, this administration is far less transparent than any administration of recent memory.
On foreign policy it appears that Obama hasn’t met a socialist or tyrant he didn’t like yet. Israel is no longer the ally of choice in the Middle East it seems. Just as we are giving billions of stimulus dollars to corrupt domestic groups like ACORN, we’re also giving billions in aid to organizations who are nothing but front men for Hamas. And does Obama even realize that he’s walking around with Iranian egg on his face following the sham election of June 12? The bromides and promises of respect looked silly and uninformed as the regime's goons sped through Iran's streets on motorcycles beating demonstrators with batons. And just like socialist-dictator-to-be Hugo Chavez, Honduran president (and fellow socialist) Manuel Zelaya tried to illegally remove the term limits imposed by the Honduran constitution, for which Hondurans faithful to their constitution rose up and expelled him. True to his socialist nature, Obama is supporting Zelaya instead of the Honduran people and their constitution. At least the Democrat party had the common decency to introduce legislation to repeal our 22nd amendment, instead of just letting Barack redact it from our Constitution.
Obama’s excuses are starting to wear as thin as the color of his skin, and those who voted for him simply because he’s African American are going to be some of his biggest detractors come 2012. It is sad and unfortunate there are still people who judge others because of skin color, but the fact remains that everyone likes the color of money. As the government starts confiscating more of everyone’s money through new taxes, a lot of his 2008 supporters won’t even bother to make it to the voting booths in 2010 and 2012.
Monday, July 6, 2009
In Dependence Day
I just celebrated the 4th of July, and what a good time it was! But with the ascension of “The One,” and his administration’s systematic dismantling of our freedoms and rapid push toward socialism, it was perhaps our last, good INdependence Day.
I’m guessing that, if the current trend continues, the 4th of July will pass into the foggy mists of our distant memories. Rather than celebrating the birth of the greatest nation humanity has ever witnessed, I think that we are well on the way to eulogizing it. Instead of grilling hot dogs and hamburgers on the July 4th (grilling contaminates the atmosphere with co2 and must be done away with), we’ll be eating grass and shoe leather in solidarity with our fellow comrades around the globe on May 1st, the International Workers Day – our new fangled “In Dependence Day.”
And why wouldn’t we celebrate? The burdens of healthcare (rationing), child care (rationing), housing (rationing), food (rationing), and fuel (rationing) would all be taken off of our individual plates and placed firmly into the hands of the government of the United States of Amerika, of which Barak Obama will still be president, or commissar once they get around to changing the title. We’ll have the pleasure of contributing 80% of our time and income to a government that will take care of 60% of the people 75% of the time!
I’m guessing that, if the current trend continues, the 4th of July will pass into the foggy mists of our distant memories. Rather than celebrating the birth of the greatest nation humanity has ever witnessed, I think that we are well on the way to eulogizing it. Instead of grilling hot dogs and hamburgers on the July 4th (grilling contaminates the atmosphere with co2 and must be done away with), we’ll be eating grass and shoe leather in solidarity with our fellow comrades around the globe on May 1st, the International Workers Day – our new fangled “In Dependence Day.”
And why wouldn’t we celebrate? The burdens of healthcare (rationing), child care (rationing), housing (rationing), food (rationing), and fuel (rationing) would all be taken off of our individual plates and placed firmly into the hands of the government of the United States of Amerika, of which Barak Obama will still be president, or commissar once they get around to changing the title. We’ll have the pleasure of contributing 80% of our time and income to a government that will take care of 60% of the people 75% of the time!
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Michael Jackson, R.I.P.
Anyone that knows me also knows that I am not a fan of Michael Jackson. I did like the young, “cool” front man for the Jackson Five, but I got sick of him during the Thriller years. What was supposed to be a 15 minute video surrounding the hit song, Thriller, in my recollection, went on and on for about two straight years and spawned an inaesthetic fashion trend that went on even longer.
This year has been especially bad for Hollywood; Ed McMahon, David Carradine, Bea Arthur, Farrah Fawcett, Karl Malden, Dom Deluise, and of course, Michael Jackson… and the year is only half over!
We’re all saddened by these deaths. Yes, Jackson and company were talented, and in some cases part of the nightly T.V. routine, but is that really why so many people are grieving? The level of news coverage over Jackson is almost as bad as that for O.J. in ’95. They could probably beat it (no pun intended) if Jackson's L.A. funeral procession was slow, and the casket delivered in the back of a white Bronco (and in his case the glove DID fit), but is it really necessary? Seriously, just when I started to long for those tacky infomercials Billy Mays passed away, no doubt from boredom!
I'm inclined to think that the passing of Billy Mays may be far sadder and have greater ramifications because his heir apparent is Vince Shlomi, the Shamwow guy.
The real reason we are saddened by these deaths is that they remind us of our own mortality. It doesn't really matter how they died; only how they lived. Jackson and Mays departed this life at the somewhat tender age of fifty - Farrah went before her time too - reinforcing the image of Death as a thief in the night. So I am confused over the Jackson clamor and all the people trying to steal the spotlight. Don't they get it? Jackson’s death should be a reminder to us all to live every day as if it were our last.
This year has been especially bad for Hollywood; Ed McMahon, David Carradine, Bea Arthur, Farrah Fawcett, Karl Malden, Dom Deluise, and of course, Michael Jackson… and the year is only half over!
We’re all saddened by these deaths. Yes, Jackson and company were talented, and in some cases part of the nightly T.V. routine, but is that really why so many people are grieving? The level of news coverage over Jackson is almost as bad as that for O.J. in ’95. They could probably beat it (no pun intended) if Jackson's L.A. funeral procession was slow, and the casket delivered in the back of a white Bronco (and in his case the glove DID fit), but is it really necessary? Seriously, just when I started to long for those tacky infomercials Billy Mays passed away, no doubt from boredom!
I'm inclined to think that the passing of Billy Mays may be far sadder and have greater ramifications because his heir apparent is Vince Shlomi, the Shamwow guy.
The real reason we are saddened by these deaths is that they remind us of our own mortality. It doesn't really matter how they died; only how they lived. Jackson and Mays departed this life at the somewhat tender age of fifty - Farrah went before her time too - reinforcing the image of Death as a thief in the night. So I am confused over the Jackson clamor and all the people trying to steal the spotlight. Don't they get it? Jackson’s death should be a reminder to us all to live every day as if it were our last.
Hello World! At least what's left of it. This is my first - of many, I hope -blog post. My name is Chris, I am a conservative, and I just wanted to start out by saying "hello."
The purpose of my blog is to motivate conservatives into action, and to try to convince those who supported Barack Obama and all his fellow socialists that his agenda is bad for the nation, despite his artful rhetoric.
The purpose of my blog is to motivate conservatives into action, and to try to convince those who supported Barack Obama and all his fellow socialists that his agenda is bad for the nation, despite his artful rhetoric.
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