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Monday, August 30, 2010

Obama and the Religion Question

Poll after poll, the left-leaning media are quick to point out that the nearly 20% of the population who believe Obama is a secret Muslim are nothing but kooks from the fringe-right. In March of 2009 the number was 11%, so either the kooks are breeding more kooks, or there must be something compelling about all of the evidence. Such as:

He was born to a Muslim father who later became an atheist, his step-father was Muslim, his pastor for 20 years in Chicago, Jeremiah Wright, is a former Muslim, he practiced Islam as a young boy and attended a Muslim school, etc., etc.

Although I believe in my heart of hearts that Obama is partial to Islam, probably for nostalgic reasons, I don’t believe he is a Muslim. And I think the question of whether he is or isn’t a Muslim is not the right question to be asking. The real question is: Is Barack Obama a Christian as he claims?

It’s a difficult question, because there are over 12,000 “Christian” denominations in the United States alone, none of which seem to be able to agree on any particular body of doctrine and yet; most of them share a belief in certain core doctrines.

Fundamental to all Christian sects is a respect for innocent life, of which Obama has shown through word and deed he has none. His voting record has always sided with the pro-abortion crowd, even to the point that he voted against ending partial birth abortions. During the 2008 campaign when asked when human life begins, he stated that the answer was above his “pay-grade,” despite the fact that science has proven that life begins at conception, and that Christian doctrine says exactly the same thing.

On social issues Obama fails to even consider the Christian concept of ownership through work and earning. Instead, he prefers a more socialist (and anti-Christian) system of forced wealth redistribution. In all fairness to Mr. Obama, most Christian sects have fallen into this error over the last 50 years. But, by his own admission, it was this “social justice” that led him to convert to… Jeremiah Wright’s “church” in the first place, and not any of the fundamental Christian beliefs. It should come as no surprise that, as of this writing, Obama still has not found a church to regularly attend. Since going to Washington it appears he has attended more golf outings and vacations then any sort of Christian service.

I do not believe that he is a Christian, but I am convinced that he will begin attending services and paying lip service to the tenants of a faith, any faith, if doing so is the politically expedient thing for him to do.

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