It was recently suggested to me that my criticisms of Obama and his administration are unfair; the result of narrow minded and skewed conservative propaganda, namely Fox News and Rush Limbaugh – you know, the typical baseless liberal drivel.
I try to deal in the facts, no matter the source. My friends might be surprised to learn that I do get information from several liberal sources, specifically the Daily Kos, the Huffington Post, several Democrat Party web sites, Keith Olberman, Rachel Maddow, Laurence O’Donnell, Ed Shultz and a number of other ones. That I disagree with nearly all of them does not mean I do not read what they have to say, and, in a few instances, actually agree with them. For example, Bill Maher, perhaps the most despicable of them all, expects the Catholic Church to hold predator priests accountable for their crimes. I know that he is a rabid anti-religionist, but I have to agree with him on this, because justice is a necessary, meaningful objective no matter what you believe.
I try to deal in the facts, no matter the source. My friends might be surprised to learn that I do get information from several liberal sources, specifically the Daily Kos, the Huffington Post, several Democrat Party web sites, Keith Olberman, Rachel Maddow, Laurence O’Donnell, Ed Shultz and a number of other ones. That I disagree with nearly all of them does not mean I do not read what they have to say, and, in a few instances, actually agree with them. For example, Bill Maher, perhaps the most despicable of them all, expects the Catholic Church to hold predator priests accountable for their crimes. I know that he is a rabid anti-religionist, but I have to agree with him on this, because justice is a necessary, meaningful objective no matter what you believe.
A liberal friend of mine made mention of a list of Obama’s accomplishments on the Internet – as if such a list would exonerate him from the state of our union today. I suppose the existence of the list is well known to liberals, but it is obvious that the contents of the list are not, or else my liberal friend would not be so quick to point it out to me. The list, which I link to below, perfectly illustrates the fallacy of liberalism whereby their standards are purely symbolic and completely free of substance. To many liberals, it isn’t necessarily what someone thinks that matters, but only that he or she is thinking, unless of course it’s a conservative doing the thinking. Notice that the author of this list, Professor(!?) Robert P. Watson has a Ph.D. and is the Coordinator of American Studies at Lynn University in Boca Raton Florida. (Mental note to self; don't send your kids there). I looked for other lists that people might have created, but the Watson list is by far the most popular, having been published on numerous websites. I found the first copy posted on The Daily Kos – if you click the link you can see for yourself.
Bear in mind, as you read each item, that Watson describes his list as “impressive.” Asks yourself these questions:
1.) “Is this a substantive, measurable accomplishment?”
2.) “Is it actually true?”
3.) “Is this ‘accomplishment’ good for the country? Is it sound domestic or foreign policy?”
I found, to the point of laughing out loud, that the majority of the list did not include actual accomplishments. If I “announced plans” to clean the kitchen but didn’t really clean it, would my wife accept my announcement as an accomplishment? How long could I keep my job if I “intended” to make it to work, but didn’t? Is “hiring the first Latina in my department” something I can add to my résumé?
Other items on the list may be measureable, but either a specific item was accomplished by others, or the accomplishment was bad for the country, as in the case of the stimulus bill and “Obamacare.” In fact, I can’t think of a single item on the list that I would call a bona fide accomplishment. It’s true that the list is old, but I have to ask, “Has Obama done anything good for the country since he took office?” The cost of living is up, and is going to go way higher as higher fuel prices and out of control inflation – due entirely to his detrimental energy and economic policies – kick in. The true measure of his “accomplishments” is just now being realized at home and abroad. Unemployment is higher than when he took over, despite what he promised when ramming his stimulus down our throats. The deficit is ridiculously higher because of his administration and the Democrats in Congress. The amount he will add to the national debt by the end of his first (and hopefully, only) term will be more than all other presidents combined! He aligns himself on the wrong side every time, from the "Beer Summit" to the ransoming of children's education in the latest union bruhaha. Smear tactics by those merchants of hate in the liberal press go unchallenged while conservative rhetoric is sacrificed on his altar of free liberal speech.
Respect for this country abroad is in the toilet because of him. Great Britain, Israel, and to some extent, Pakistan, once our staunchest allies, now keep us at arm’s length at best, and openly criticize us at worst, and our traditional enemies are still our enemies, only now they are growing stronger while we are growing weaker both economically and militarily. China, Venezuela, North Korea and Iran are emboldened by his weak leadership. Support for and control by the Muslim Brotherhood is expanding in Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, and virtually throughout the entire Islamic world.
Where is that once vaunted “Hope and Change?”
Obviously the liberals will continue to blame George Bush, but doing so is dishonest, proven by four years of Democrat congressional control and super majorities in both houses of Congress and Obama’s own reign of over 2 years. Besides, shouldn’t Obama have the decency to accept responsibility given that, on June 3rd, 2008, accepting the nomination of his party, Obama’s infinite hubris led him to say:
“I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that this was the moment when we began to provide care for the sick and good jobs to the jobless; this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on earth. This was the moment—this was the time—when we came together to remake this great nation so that it may always reflect our very best selves and our highest ideals.”
Lofty promises; none of which have been obtained. Rather than slowing the rise of the oceans, Obama has us sinking to the bottom under the cinder-block-weight of our massive debt. Who will they blame in another two years? And if, God willing, Obama is defeated in 2012, will his Republican successor get the same mileage out of blaming Obama? Doubtful, given the intellectual dishonesty of people in the media and academia like “Professor” Robert Watson, and the mindless liberal masses – devoid of critical thinking skills – who accept the notion that Obama can add a bullet point to his list of accomplishments every time he farts – or intends to.